Prof. Wonju JeonKorea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)
“Acoustic metamaterials and metasurfaces: effects of flow and visco-thermal losses”

Wonju Jeon is an Associate Professor in Department of Mechanical Engineering at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) and leading the Multiscale Wave Mechanics Laboratory. Before joining KAIST in 2014, he worked for National Institute for Mathematical Sciences to bridge the gap between applied mathematics and engineering sciences for seven years. He received his Ph.D. in Aerospace Engineering from KAIST in 2006, with a focus on mathematical theory of multiple-edge diffraction. His research interest covers the acoustic black holes to absorb elastic waves in solids, acoustic meta-materials in moving fluid, acoustic metasurfaces for near-perfect and near-broadband absorption of sound waves, and mathematical homogenization theory beyond the long wavelength limit.

Prof. Wim DesmetKU Leuven

“Locally resonant vibro-acoustic metamaterials for compact lightweight noise control engineering solutions”
Wim Desmet is a Full Professor at the KU Leuven Department of Mechanical Engineering, where he heads the Noise and Vibration Research group and the DMMS Core lab of Flanders Make. He is the Chair of the KU Leuven IOF – Industrial Research Fund – Council. His major research interests include Digital Twin developments for mecha(tro)nics engineering. This involves modelling, analysis, testing, monitoring and control techniques in vibro-acoustics, aeroacoustics and (flexible) multibody dynamics. Prime application domains involve sustainable engineering solutions for industrial machinery and manufacturing, green transportation, energy supply and health care.
Dr. Eng. Estelle PiotONERA, France

“Example of advanced identification techniques and design tools applied to innovative aeroacoustic liners”
Estelle Piot, ONERA, Head of the research unit on Instability, Transition and Acoustic Control. PhD in Fluid Mechanics from University of Toulouse (2008). Since then, she has been involved in the aeroacoustics characterization and modelling of acoustic liners in flow ducts. She coordinated two CleanSky-funded projects on design of acoustic treatments for air conditioning systems. She was also involved in various French and European projects related to the development of innovative acoustic treatments for aeronautics application.
Prof. Francesco Asdrubali Roma Tre University
“Sustainable materials and metamaterials for acoustic applications”

Francesco Asdrubali is currently a full professor of Building Physics and Building Energy Systems at the University of Roma Tre (Italy), teacher of Applied Acoustics in the Universities of Perugia and Roma Tre, coordinator of various national and EU-funded Projects (LIFE, Intelligent Energy Europe, VII FP; Horizon 2020) and currently member of the COST Action DENORMS on innovative acoustic materials. His areas of expertise include environmental acoustics, soundscape, innovative building materials for sound insulation an absorption.